Frequently Asked Questions

For Reviewers

What is “Collaborative Community Review” and how is it different from other kinds of review I’m used to at different journals and magazines?
What will I get out of being a reviewer for the PPJ?

There are many benefits of participating in CCR as a reviewer. As a PPJ reviewer, you will:

  • Dramatically shape the scholarship—more than you would with traditional review.
  • Receive guidance on how to give helpful, generous reviews.
  • Be able to request a Letter of Confirmation from the editors about your service as a reviewer.
  • Have the opportunity for a “mini-publication” by submitting a Public Holistic Response that will be considered for publication alongside the piece under review.
  • Meet new colleagues through your Review Team!
Is CCR more work for me than other kinds of review?

The relative amount of work depends on how you conduct your other reviews and how you engage in your Collaborative Community Review experiences. You are only required to give in-line comments and a Private Holistic Response that summarizes your suggestions for the composer. This makes one round of CCR usually less work than other forms of review.

However, you might find CCR to be more work as you are asked to continue engaging in this form of feedback for each round of revisions until the editors decide whether or not the piece is accepted by the journal or the composer withdraws the piece. To recognize this depth of commitment, we offer Letters of Confirmation for composers and reviewers to use in job applications and reviews. Please contact the editorial team to request such a letter.

Can I remain anonymous as a reviewer?

No. Remaining identifiable is necessary for the mission of the PPJ.

How do I complete my review?

Please follow instructions from your Review Coordinator (RC). In general, the process is as follows:

  1. Access the article under review in Google Documents.
  2. Read the pop-up reviewer instructions carefully.
  3. Review the author’s notes about what stage of development the piece is in, what kind of feedback they would like, and their Community Ethics statement.
  4. Complete your review by leaving in-line comments keyed to our four style criteria. You may also include a Private Holistic Response at the bottom of the review page, or you can wait to provide this response until the author has made revisions. You may leave and come back to finish your review later.

You are encouraged to correspond with the author, other reviewers, and RC directly throughout all rounds of CCR. You may correspond via email or within the document under review. You can even ask your RC to set up a video call with the review team to further your discussion of the piece.

How do I see what kind of feedback the author(s) is/are asking from me?

The first page in the Google Document used for the review should include a table that presents the author(s)’ responses to our feedback prompts. Please contact your Review Coordinator if the responses are not there or are inaccessible.

How do I see the composer’s Community Ethics Statement?

The first page in the Google Document used for the review should include a table that presents the composer’s responses to our feedback prompts. Please contact your Review Coordinator if the responses are not there or are inaccessible.

Where do I leave my overall comments for the composer?

There are three open-ended text fields at the bottom of the review document. The Private Holistic Response field and the Comments Forum are only accessed by the Review Team. The Public Holistic Response will become public later, but only after your Review Coordinator communicates with you about it.

Can I edit my Public Holistic Response after I submit it during an early round of review? Can I wait to submit my Public Holistic Response until the final piece has been accepted to the Journal?

Yes, to both questions. You may submit a new or edited version of your Public Holistic Response to your Review Coordinator by email until first proofs of the original piece have been created. The Review Coordinator will make sure the production team gets your file.
