Frequently Asked Questions

For Authors

Who can submit original work to the PPJ? Who is likely to be published in the journal?

Anyone can submit original work to the PPJ. All authors are equally likely to be published regardless of where they work or what level of education they have. The likelihood of being published is tied only to how well your piece meets our four style criteria.

Why should I consider submitting my original work to the PPJ?

There are many reasons submitting to the PPJ might be a good idea for you. Perhaps you want to:

  • Support the mission of the PPJ.
  • Publish your research in an accessible, peer-reviewed journal
  • Contribute to the conversation about public philosophy.
  • Raise a philosophical issue that has been overlooked but has strong implications for particular communities.
  • Share your scholarly research with a public audience.
  • Get helpful feedback to develop your ideas or work.
  • Share your multimedia work.
  • Experience a friendly, generous review process.
Are there any fees required to sumbit?

No. The PPJ has no fees for submission or publication.

What is the expected review timeline?

Every review will take different amounts of time depending on participant availability and the status of the piece. However, an average timeline is 1 month to conduct the review and 4–10 weeks to review a piece from submission to decision. The total timeline will depend on how many rounds of CCR are needed. Reviews will go faster if authors nominate an appropriate reviewer(s) and if all parties remain responsive.

What rights will I have to my original work once it is submitted to the PPJ?

Please see our Terms and Permissions. Please contact the editorial team with any remaining questions.

What is “Collaborative Community Review” and how is it different from other kinds of review I’m used to at different journals and magazines?
What are the PPJ editors looking for in a piece?

To be published in our peer-reviewed journal, pieces must exemplify our four style criteria. Please see our Submissions Guidelines and Our Vision for more information.

What kinds of original work does the PPJ accept for Collaborative Community Review?

Please see our Submissions Guidelines.

How do I submit my work to the PPJ?

Please complete our Submission Form. Further instructions are available on our Submissions Guidelines page. If you have trouble with the form or additional questions arise, please contact us at

Are there size or length limits on submissions?

Yes, please see our Submission Guidelines page.

What information will I need to submit to the PPJ along with my original work?

You will need the following:

  1. Title for the piece
  2. Subtitle (optional)
  3. Names for all authors (All must be registered on the PPJ site)
  4. Brief abstract or description
  5. Name(s) of composers holding copyright
  6. Year of submission
  7. A brief description of the piece’s stage of development
  8. A brief description of what kind of feedback you need from your reviewers
  9. A brief Community Ethics Statement
What citation style should I use?
May I submit my piece elsewhere while it’s undergoing CCR?

No. To respect the time and effort your Review Team is donating to your work, while your piece is undergoing CCR with us, please do not submit your work for publication elsewhere. You may, however, submit the piece elsewhere if the review process does not result in publication in our journal.

How will I know when my piece is officially published at the PPJ?

Prior to the official publication of your piece, editors will e-mail you to announce that your piece has been accepted for publication in our journal. This email will also request that you review copyedited proofs. When your work is published in the peer-reviewed journal, it can be accessed in the online journal archive.

How long may I take to revise my piece?

Your revision timeline will be determined in an email conversation between you, your Review Coordinator, and the PPJ Editors, but the average timeline is 1 month. Special issues have more rigid deadlines than regular issues.
